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Our range of agricultural analysis include animal feeds, macro and micro nutrients in fertilizers, soil analysis and plant analysis. With our testing services, farmers are able to determine the pesticide residue, mycotoxin, nutritional value, heavy metal and microbiological levels of their products. This assures high-quality yield for both local and export use. In addition, we provide advice and recommendations for nutrition and yield improvement according to the results provided.

Parameters tested for:

01. Physiochemical analysis

Nitrogen, Zinc, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, Chloride, Sulfur, Copper, Boron, Specific Gravity Included (Liquids), organic matter, total nitrogen, C.E.C, Pesticide Residue, etc

Sampling Guide
Sampling Guide

A minimum volume of 200g and 500g per test is advisable for fertilizer and soil samples respectively. Samples should be brought in before 10am for the turnaround time to begin on the sample submission day.
Sample Submission Form
